Recently I have been hearing about infinite browsing and how having a plethora of choices adds to your anxiety and damages your ability to make choices.
I have almost always appreciated having some form of limitations on creative projects. Limitations could be color, material or function- anything to narrow the number of choices I would need to make. I used to think I was looking for the easy way out when I saw others wanted more choices and I wanted less. I suppose my desire for less options could be a form of creative self-preservation.
In a recent The Happiness Lab podcast Dr Lauri Santos discusses the idea of making a commitment and not always keeping your options open is better for our mental wellbeing. Another fun idea brought up in the podcast is the original concept of YOLO , coined by Grateful Dead drummer Mickey Hart, was not meant to make the most of the present and disregard the future but actually for a long term commitment.
Check the link below to the podcast.